Monday, January 23, 2017

What's been gong on

I have been a slacker about blogging.  I have just had so much going on emotionally that it just fell by the wayside.  You see, I struggle with severe depression and anxiety.  I have had multiple stints of being hospitalized in the past year.  I still struggle every day, but I have given myself permission to not be a perfect homeschooling mother.

There have been many weeks where all I could do was stay in bed, and only get out to feed my kids frozen pizza's and peanut butter sandwiches.  My goal was to just make it through the day.  Miraculously, my kids still learned.

My son decided that when I was crying it was his job to bring in a big stack of books for me to read to him.  So I would.  I wouldn't read it enthusiastically, but I would.  This helped me bond with him more (again?).

Once I felt okay with reading all the time we started adding in math.  We do Math U See.  My husband tried filling in when I couldn't, but I decided that it was my job.  I bought a little travel lap desk, and my son started bringing that in to me when it was time to do math.  Then he decided he wanted to write letters to family and friends, so we started focusing on writing.

Now things have come together somewhat.  We read books on any subject, and my son has started to be a little bookworm.  Not only him, but his sister too!

This was taken out one of the metropark lodges during an activity my son attended. 
I have made it a goal to have the car at least twice a week, and do outings with others.  It's extremely stressful and anxiety provoking to me, but it helps me at the same time.  We try to go to an activity at a metropark once a week, and then we have our homeschool coop once a week too.
This was an activity at a metropark on snow and ice. 
Today we went to Highbanks Metropark to take part in a homeschool activity about Water Science.  It was lots of fun.  They talked a bit about chemistry, and did lots of fun things.
 One of the experiments they started took too long to complete, so we decided to do it at home.  I asked my son to make a hypothesis about what would happen.  Hypothesis:  The water will turn purple because blue and red make purple.  (he's gotten too smart)

I hope to be a more consistent blogger because I need to get in the habit.  This is how I want to keep track of what we do (since we primarily unschool) for our portfolio at the end of the year.

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